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Ker pravno mnenje terja transparentno obliko delovanja v obliki gospodarske družbe, je direktor Likar pripravil več scenarijev, kako trenuten netransparenten ustroj instituta SIQ zadržati.
Evo, kot nalašč je tu provokativen zaključni odstavek še svežega eseja o transparentnosti v ZDA, če koga te stvari zanimajo... :-)
“Sunlight,” the future Supreme Court justice Louis Brandeis wrote in 1913, “is said to be the best of disinfectants.” Brandeis was speaking of big banks, not Congress, but his adage came to be adopted by those pushing for less secrecy in politics. More than a century later, the true nature of transparency has become clear. Endless sunshine—without some occasional shade—kills what it is meant to nourish.