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PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
"Varstveniki" preprečijo skoraj vse posege v gozdu. Zgori pol kalifornije - krivo je podnebje. Komentar nekoga iz gozdnate, toda normalne zvezne države.
Vode primanjkuje tudi zaradi tega ker nasipi, dovodi, etc niso vzdrževani, ker gre preveč denarja za volilce - beri reveže. Pravijo da sta shithouse San Fran in Seatlle kot iz tretjega sveta. Jebat, tudi Kalifornija nima dovolj denarja za socializem.

Tole je smešno, tod skoraj vse je res.

The Governor of California is jogging with his dog along a nature trail when suddenly a coyote jumps out and attacks his dog.

#1. The Governor starts to intervene, reflects upon the movie "Bambi" and realizes he should stop; the coyote is only doing what comes natural.

#2. He calls animal control. Animal control captures the coyote and spends $200 testing it for diseases, and an additional $500 to relocate it.

#3. He calls a Veterinarian for his dog. The Vet collects his dead dog and spends $200 testing it for diseases.

#4. The Governor goes to the hospital and spends $3,500 getting checked for diseases from the coyote, and to get his bite wound bandaged.

#5. The running trail is shut down for 6 months while the wildlife services conduct a $100,000 survey to make sure the area is clear of dangerous animals.

#6. The Governor spends $50,000 of state funds implementing a "coyote awareness" program for residents of the area.

#7. The State legislature spends $2 million investigating how to better handle rabies, and how to possibly eradicate the disease.

#8. The Governor's security agent is fired for not stopping the attack and for letting the Governor intervene.

#9. The Cost: $75,000 to train new a security agent.

#10. PETA protests the coyote relocation and files suit against the state.

Texas' Governor

The Governor of Texas is jogging with his dog along a nature trail when suddenly a coyote jumps out and attacks his dog.

#1. The Governor shoots the coyote and keeps jogging.

The Governor has spent $0.36 on a .380 HP hollow point cartridge. Buzzards eat the dead coyote.

What? Wait for it . . .

Any wonder why California is broke????