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bc123a sporočil: 48.253
Osebno sta mi glede varnosti Tajska in Egipt pač neprimerljiva. Na Tajskem lahko sam potuješ, se ponoči potepaš naokrog,
Vidis, to je tisto naivno obravnavanje tajske, o katerem govorim in ga ti lepo demonstriras :)

Samo anglezev so Tajci pobili 60 v dveh letih, plus cel kup posiljenih, oropanih...

And it seems there is much to publicise. According to figures issued by the Foreign Office, between 2014 and 2016, 1,151 British nationals died in Thailand.

While many of these deaths would have been from illness or accidents, no fewer than 60 are classed under ‘unknown’ reasons. Separately, perhaps, some could be explained away as tragic misadventures. Yet taken together they indicate a pattern of criminal behaviour, botched detective work — and, worst of all, police cover-ups.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2743261

Strani: 1

philips sporočil: 6.715
> [philips]
> Osebno sta mi glede varnosti Tajska in Egipt pač neprimerljiva. Na Tajskem lahko sam potuješ, se ponoči potepaš naokrog,

Vidis, to je tisto naivno obravnavanje tajske, o katerem govorim in ga ti lepo demonstriras :)

Samo anglezev so Tajci pobili 60 v dveh letih, plus cel kup posiljenih, oropanih...

And it seems there is much to publicise. According to figures issued by the Foreign Office, between 2014 and 2016, 1,151 British nationals died in Thailand.

While many of these deaths would have been from illness or accidents, no fewer than 60 are classed under ‘unknown’ reasons. Separately, perhaps, some could be explained away as tragic misadventures. Yet taken together they indicate a pattern of criminal behaviour, botched detective work — and, worst of all, police cover-ups.
Ločiti moraš nasilje ki se mu lahko izogneš od unega kjer se mu ne moreš. Ni isto. Če nisi ravno bukselj je Tajska čisto varna (nesreča se vedno lahko zgodi), Egipt pa ni.

Strani: 1