
Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

crt sporočil: 27.275
Zadnja sprememba: crt 01.08.2018 15:05
razen ze znanih zahojenih belgijcev z mislim da svetovnim rekordom v neuspesnem postavljanju vlade so iz sirse sosescine tukaj se zabaceni nizozemci:

Coalition between four parties, some with widely differing views, were the longest talks in history to form a Dutch government

The average length of time taken to form a ruling coalition in modern Dutch history is 72 days, with the previous record of 207 days dating back to 1977. Neighbouring Belgium, however, holds the current world record: it took 541 days to form a federal government in Brussels after the 2010 election.

podobno kot na primer na portugalskem in seveda v sloveniji pa je gospodarski ciklus dosti bolj pomembna stvar od tega, ali so zmagali nasi in kateri so nasi:

The Dutch economy, at least, has not suffered from the wait: with Rutte’s previous coalition in charge in a caretaker capacity, GDP has grown by a healthy 3.3% this year and is forecast to grow at a rate of 2.5% in 2018.

... za cesnjo so potem tu se balkanski finci:

In Finland, no party has had an absolute majority in the parliament since independence, and multi-party coalitions have been the norm. Finland experienced its most stable government (Lipponen I and II) since independence with a five-party governing coalition, a so-called "rainbow government". The Lipponen cabinets set the stability record and were unusual in the respect that both moderate (SDP) and radical left wing (Left Alliance) parties sat in the government with the major right-wing party (National Coalition).

... okej, kaj pa ** 6 ** strank?

spet finci www.eurofound.europa...ent-formed

(in maroko, ampak pustimo zdaj bolj resne, govorimo samo o balkancih :)

... fak no, kaj pa 7?


japonska,_1993 (laufalo je samo 10 mesecev, ampak ajd :)

... za 8 pa vec ne najdem na hitro. you can't have everything, where would you put it?

ps. kako spoznamo pravega slovenca?
prebere vse to in rece: tojemoznosamovsloveniji.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2726198

Strani: 1

anon-207617 sporočil: 6.899
razen ze znanih zahojenih belgijcev z mislim da svetovnim rekordom v neuspesnem postavljanju vlade so iz sirse sosescine tukaj se zabaceni nizozemci:

Coalition between four parties, some with widely differing views, were the longest talks in history to form a Dutch government

The average length of time taken to form a ruling coalition in modern Dutch history is 72 days, with the previous record of 207 days dating back to 1977. Neighbouring Belgium, however, holds the current world record: it took 541 days to form a federal government in Brussels after the 2010 election.

podobno kot na primer na portugalskem in seveda v sloveniji pa je gospodarski ciklus dosti bolj pomembna stvar od tega, ali so zmagali nasi in kateri so nasi:

The Dutch economy, at least, has not suffered from the wait: with Rutte’s previous coalition in charge in a caretaker capacity, GDP has grown by a healthy 3.3% this year and is forecast to grow at a rate of 2.5% in 2018.

... za cesnjo so potem tu se balkanski finci:

In Finland, no party has had an absolute majority in the parliament since independence, and multi-party coalitions have been the norm. Finland experienced its most stable government (Lipponen I and II) since independence with a five-party governing coalition, a so-called "rainbow government". The Lipponen cabinets set the stability record and were unusual in the respect that both moderate (SDP) and radical left wing (Left Alliance) parties sat in the government with the major right-wing party (National Coalition).

... okej, kaj pa ** 6 ** strank?

spet finci www.eurofound.europa...ent-formed

(in maroko, ampak pustimo zdaj bolj resne, govorimo samo o balkancih :)

... fak no, kaj pa 7?


japonska,_1993 (laufalo je samo 10 mesecev, ampak ajd :)

... za 8 pa vec ne najdem na hitro. you can't have everything, where would you put it?

ps. kako spoznamo pravega slovenca?
prebere vse to in rece: tojemoznosamovsloveniji.
No, saj nihce posebej ne izpostavlja, da je proporcionalni sistem jedro slovenskosti ali balkanskosti ali kako? Balkanski so kvecjemu rezultati na poslanskih sedezih, od novih obrazov do jelenkotovih eroticnih maserk... in tudi ne morejo biti kaj dosti drugacni, glede na to iz kakega bazena so zajeti. Ampak tudi na tem podrocju je slovenizacija sveta na pohodu...

Strani: 1