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Izbrana tema: članek ZDA podaljšale sankcije proti Severni Koreji

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PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
[Glavni forum] Tema: ZDA podaljšale sankcije proti Severni Koreji
[#2720057] 25.06.18 23:53 · odgovor na: (#2720054)
Odgovori   +    3
Zadnja sprememba: PyotrNovak 25.06.2018 23:54

Another infamous case in the city of Uppsala became known as the ”Snapchat rape.” Two men filmed their rape of a young girl in real time and then uploaded the video clip to the Snapchat app. Another girl saw the clip, saved it and told her mother, who then alerted the police. It was two months before she was contacted by investigators. “It was terrible, because what you saw in that film, it was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. And that it was so widely spread, and then that they didn’t get arrested,” the mother told SVT. The two suspects were at long last arrested and convicted of rape, but recent statistics show that this is a rare exception to the norm in Sweden. In 2016, only eleven percent of reported rapes were prosecuted, a decrease from twenty percent in 2014.

PS Tisti ki polnimo skledo se NIKOLI in NIKJER ne pocutimo varne pri visokih davkih. To velja samo za tiste ki iz te sklede zajemajo. TI, je NE polnis z denarjem zasluzenim na svetovnem trgu. JAZ jo, ze 33 let.