Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

bc123a sporočil: 48.253
A RES ne morete niti poguglati?

Jebala vas najpodjetniska ideja, no!


With over two decades of experience in the packaging industry, DPI's sales staff is trained to assist customers in evaluating and redesigning their packaging in accordance with all MIL Spec, government, and commercial packaging requirements.
DPI Advantages:

Superior product knowledge and training available to customers
Shortest lead times in the packaging industry
Multiple US and International warehouses
Affordable pricing structure for all order sizes
Fully stocked warehouse
Open 7 days a week via phone, fax, and email
Drop-ship and JIT inventory programs available

Niso naredili niti osnovne domace naloge "ali je stvar ze na trgu".

En patent:

Jih je pa verjetno ze veliko.

Sedaj mi pa prosim povejte, dragi uredniki. Zakaj ze ste jih izbrali za najpodjetnisko idejo? Ker se vam samim doseg ne seze niti cez karavanke?