
Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek Mrak: Pri bančni uniji odprta vrsta vprašanj

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anon-301728 sporočil: 1.282
Zadnja sprememba: anon-301728 19.10.2013 16:08
Voodoodoktor se ne strinja s tezo, da so Lehman Bros vzrok. Nažalost so le povod, ne vzrok.
Tako je to v Ekonomiji Dolga gnani z dolgom, balončki so tu pa tam preveliki za kontrolne algoritme, pa še panika in politika naredi svoje.

And Now dear visitors from IMF, ECB and the Commisssion:
you know very well, that the Debt driven economy is in a dark alley on the point of no return.
Some simple Facts about the unsustainability of Slovenia debt position:
on a budget of ca 9 bln,
-Budget deficit over 1,5 bln, conservative estimate.
-GDP fall over 5%, meaning another 1,7 bln. budget deficit in lost taxes, vat, etc.
-Bad bank Hole over 7 bln
-Current budget debt for interest repayment over 1 bln
However we turn the figures, half of the Budget is already gone, tied up.
No Taxation can balance the debt, even on the long run.
If we add to that the next tranche of 5 bln of new debt bonds issue in the next year, on a composite interest of 6%....

BY The WAY, do you confirm the 10% deposit savings TAX ( confiscation) the IMF proposed on the 12. October this year as a way to repay the Debt in the Eurozone countries?
The links below:

unfaithfully yours