
Izbrani forum: Nepremičnine

Izbrana tema: Zgodovina: Povprečno 36% dol

Strani: 1

Pasant sporočil: 577
[#482054] 20.04.09 15:44
Odgovori   +    0
By Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff | NEWSWEEKPublished Mar 21, 2009
From our historical study of eight centuries of international financial crises..

... The news on housing prices and the stock market is arguably a little better, mainly because there has been so much damage already. The typical fall in inflation-adjusted stock prices is 55 percent, a benchmark the U.S. has more or less achieved. The typical decline in housing prices is 36 percent. According to some indicators, inflation-adjusted housing prices have already fallen roughly 30 percent. The bad news is that these down price cycles typically last for several years. So, even if the big hit on stocks and house prices has come already, the bottom might not be reached until the end of 2010.

Prevajat se mi ne da. Vir naveden. Poanta za nepremičninski forum: Povprečni padec cen stanovanj v finančnih krizah je 36%.

Strani: 1