Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

anon-84062 sporočil: 1.393
... prag revscine je od drzave do drzave razlicen, kaj pa cene osnovnih dobrin?

izbrskal sem primer za UK:
The latest year for which household income data is available is 2007/08. In that year, the 60% threshold was worth: 115 per week for single adult with no dependent children; 199 per week for a couple with no dependent children; 195 per week for a single adult with two dependent children under 14; and 279 per week for a couple with two dependent children under 14.
Ja, ta revščina je definirana samo glede na povprečni dohodek. Če imajo na Kubi recimo vsi plače med 10 in 15 dolarji na mesec, potem tam po tem kriteriju ni revežev.

Vse ocene tega sporočila:

Ni nobene :(