Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

philips sporočil: 6.715
> []
> > []
> > House Speaker Pelosi says no deal has been reached on an emergency stimulus bill and that the House will introduce its own bill
> tu bi spomnil, da v prejsnji sezoni tudi tarp ni bil sprejet v prvem poskusu - je bil ze na glasovanju in padel.
> je pa tezavno iti skozi to, ker market tece 10 x hitreje kot real life, politika pa 10 x pcasneje.

5 Republican Senators now in self-quarantine and will most likely not be able to vote.

- Rick Scott FL
- Cory Gardner CO
- Mike Lee UT
- Mitt Romney UT
- Rand Paul KY

Dems have the majority in the Senate.
In so jezni na Trumpa:

President Donald Trump might have formally invoked a 1950 law giving him the ability to force factories to produce key equipment needed in the fight against coronavirus and to allocate critical resources where they are needed most. But, the President has also said he doesn't plan to use that power.

Vse ocene tega sporočila:

Ni nobene :(