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crt sporočil: 27.214
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> House Speaker Pelosi says no deal has been reached on an emergency stimulus bill and that the House will introduce its own bill

tu bi spomnil, da v prejsnji sezoni tudi tarp ni bil sprejet v prvem poskusu - je bil ze na glasovanju in padel.

je pa tezavno iti skozi to, ker market tece 10 x hitreje kot real life, politika pa 10 x pcasneje.
5 Republican Senators now in self-quarantine and will most likely not be able to vote.

- Rick Scott FL
- Cory Gardner CO
- Mike Lee UT
- Mitt Romney UT
- Rand Paul KY

Dems have the majority in the Senate.

Vse ocene tega sporočila:

Ni nobene :(