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robi2107 sporočil: 4.272
[Glavni forum] Tema: Druga smrtna žrtev koronavirusa
[#2828161] 22.03.20 23:28 · odgovor na: LeonTosic (#2828146)
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Povprecna starost v slo je 81 let. Vse kar je nad tem je senkano. In ja, 90 letniki umirajo v domovih za ostarele, verjetno jih ne razganja od zdravja.

Cakam na prepoved cigaret zaradi katerih v sloveniji vsak dan umre 10 ljudi, skupaj 3600 na leto, s tem da grejo bistveno mlajsi. To bi moral bit prvi ukrep te vlade, ce jih skrbi za ljudi....
Virus pobira tudi 10 in več let mlajše od starosti, ki jo navajaš, pa tudi v domovih za ostarele niso samo stoletniki. Tole se da najti na netu:
In its most complete analysis of the outbreak yet published, the national health institute (ISS) said the average age of those who died was 78.5 years, with the youngest victim aged 31 and the oldest 103. The median age was 80.

Some 41% of all those who died were aged between 80-89, with the 70-79 age group accounting for a further 35%.

Italy has the oldest population in the world after Japan, with some 23% of people aged over age 65. Medical experts say these demographics could explain why the death toll here is so much higher than anywhere else in the world.

The ISS report, based on a survey of 3,200 of the dead, said men accounted for 70.6% of the deaths and women 29.4%. The median age for the women who died was 82 against 79 for men.
Citat je pobran s www.usnews.com/news/...l-to-4-032

Kar se prepovedi cigaret tiče, je pa to po mojem čista neumnost. Prvič, ponovila bi se zgodba s prohibicijo alkohola v ZDA v 20-ih letih prejšnjega stoletja, ko so alko prepovedali, folk ga je pil pa še več, kot sicer. In drugič, kdor bo hotel kaditi, bo kadil. Če ne bo čikov dobil pri nas, jih bo pa čez mejo, ali pa na črnem trgu. Edini rezultat prepovedi čikov bi bil razcvet črnega trga. Mafija bi dobila novo priložnost za bajne zaslužke in verjetno postavila spomenik tistemu, ki bi prepovedal čike. Tole boš našel na wikiju v zvezi s prohibicijo alkohola in verjamem, da s čiki ne bi bilo nič drugače:
It is difficult to draw conclusions about Prohibition's impact on crime at the national level, as there were no uniform national statistics gathered about crime prior to 1930. It has been argued that organized crime received a major boost from Prohibition. Mafia groups and other criminal organizations and gangs had mostly limited their activities to prostitution, gambling, and theft until 1920, when organized "rum-running" or bootlegging emerged in response to Prohibition. A profitable, often violent, black market for alcohol flourished. Prohibition provided a financial basis for organized crime to flourish. In one study of more than 30 major U.S. cities during the Prohibition years of 1920 and 1921, the number of crimes increased by 24%. Additionally, theft and burglaries increased by 9%, homicides by 12.7%, assaults and battery rose by 13%, drug addiction by 44.6%, and police department costs rose by 11.4%. This was largely the result of "black-market violence" and the diversion of law enforcement resources elsewhere. Despite the Prohibition movement's hope that outlawing alcohol would reduce crime, the reality was that the Volstead Act led to higher crime rates than were experienced prior to Prohibition and the establishment of a black market dominated by criminal organizations. A 2016 NBER paper showed that South Carolina counties that enacted and enforced prohibition had homicide rates increase by about 30 to 60 percent relative to counties that did not enforce prohibition. A 2009 study found an increase in homicides in Chicago during Prohibition.
Vir: en.wikipedia.org/wik...ted_States

Podpiram sicer prepoved prodaje čikov otrokom, odrasli pa so odgovorni sami zase in se država se v to nima kaj vmešavati, imo.

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