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Moral bi it nekam, kjer so prodajalci plačani od prometa (če so neprijazni do strank, pa dobijo nogo), da bi videl razliko... pa magari u Filadelfiju ;)
Tebi pa ne bi škodilo, če bi prebral kaj o raznih zaposlovalsko-nagrajevalskih metodah, ki te očitno zelo fascinirajo. Pa ne v kakšnem arhivskem izvodu Komsomolski Pravdi ali pamfletu ultra levičarjev, temveč kar tam, sredi žrela čaščene zveri.
The wage gap is one of several issues cited by restaurateurs who have deleted the tip line from checks. Some believe it is unfair for servers’ pay to be affected by their race and age, their customer’s moods, the weather and other factors that have nothing to do with performance. A rash of class-action lawsuits over tipping irregularities, many of which have been settled for millions of dollars, is a mounting worry.
Scott Rosenberg, an owner of Sushi Yasuda in Manhattan, said in an interview in 2013 that he had eliminated tipping so his restaurant could more closely follow the customs of Japan, where tipping is rare. He said he also hoped his customers would enjoy leaving the table without having to solve a math problem.
"Tipping started in our country right after the Civil War," Meyer said. "The restaurant industry as well as the Pullman train car industry successfully petitioned the United States government to make a dispensation for our industries that we would not pay our servers, but it wasn't considered slavery because we would ask our customers to pay tips. And therefore no one could say they that were being enslaved.
"And, no surprise, but most of the people who were working in service professional jobs and restaurants and in Pullman train cars were African-American," Meyer continued. "That's the history of how it started in this country. You don't see it Asia. You don't see it primarily in most European countries. But that's what it was, and it created a completely false economy."
Pa še en blogerski zapis, ki ga zaradi mene lahko označiš kot aktivističnega, ampak moraš ob tem upoštevati, kje je objavljen. BTW, Henry Ford je bil vse mogoče, ena njegovih dobrih strani pa je bila, da je zagovarjal pošteno plačilo delavcev kot vzvod za gospodarsko rast in rast blaginje.
Nearly 80 years later, today the wage for tipped workers has increased from zero to a measly $2.13 an hour. The consequence of this subminimum wage is an enshrined system of unequal pay that is largely taken for granted today.That system has allowed the restaurant industry to normalize business practices that prioritize profitability at all costs, even at the expense of employees. Indeed, the National Restaurant Association has been quite successful in arguing that paying servers a regular minimum wage would hurt business, and that servers already make more than the minimum wage through tips. Yet an investigation of 9,000 restaurants by the US Department of Labor found that about 84 percent had violated their legal obligation to ensure that tipped workers were making the minimum wage in combined salary and tips.

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