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bc123a sporočil: 48.253
> [bc123a]
> There is therefore no fundamental common ground between the two sides, so that a trade deal which encompasses the European Climate Change agenda is totally out of the question. It can be said, in fact, that both sides are in fundamental opposition on this issue; thereby ruling out any deal. Indeed, it is in America's strategic interest to weaken Europe economically through higher emissions.
> Mislim da se iz podatkov ter iz logike ne da nikakor sklepati da je ameriska politika tako daljnovidna, da bi nalasc sesuvala evropo s klimatskimi spremembami, preko vpliva na visino reke Ren... cmon, to je pa res tako za lase privleceno.

reka ren dejansko ima jasen ekonomski impact in interes usa, kakrsna je sedaj, dejansko je videti usmerjen v slabitev konkurence.
Absolutno. Ampak za climate change tudi nemci kar nekaj naredijo (v smeri pumpanja CO2 v atmosfero), plus, trumpova administracija z dolgorocnim planom, really? :)

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Ni nobene :(