Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek ZDA jutri proti Iranu uvajajo ostrejše sankcije

Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
Nekaj zate.
The modern-day evocation of the league (plus Slovakia and the Czech Republic) wants the European Stability Mechanism, the monetary union’s rescue fund, to be given more powers. These would include monitoring national budgets and imposing losses on private creditors before handing out cash to countries in need. “A reinforced role for the ESM increases the credibility and effectiveness of the crisis management framework,” the finance ministers from the 10 countries wrote.


Torej: najprej bomo postrigli ovce, šele potem pošljemo seno. Mogoče je pa tole edina metoda da nučiš zapravljivčke reda?

Vse ocene tega sporočila:

Ni nobene :(