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Izbrana tema: članek Kdo si upa: Donald Tusk

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[Glavni forum] Tema: Kdo si upa: Donald Tusk
[#2722607] 11.07.18 18:03 · odgovor na: najobj (#2722574)
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P.S.: na Balkanu se niso tepli člani NATO, vsi potencialni pretepači v EU pa so hkrati v NATO, tako da NATO ne more nič pomagat, ampak lahko kvečjemu škodi ... alzo, NATO je svinjsko dragi relikt zdavnaj pretekle zgodovine in koristi samo ameriški orožarski industriji - zato se Trump pizdi zaradi "prenizkih" stroškov za obrambo verjetno pred Marsovci - samo kompletni kreten pa verjame, da je Putinu do napada na EU, karkoli bi že to pomenilo in kaj bi s tem dosegel ...
Ne vem, koliko je realno, da bi plavooki prijazni striček Putin iz mame Rusije napadel EU, si pa brez težav predstavljam, kako bi mu prijalo biti največji medved na evrazijski celini.
Bolj težko pa si predstavljam dogajanje med Grčijo in Turčijo, če ne bi bili pod velikim plaščem NATO, pri tem pa je treba vsaj omeniti tudi dvonabojno petardo z imenom Ciper, ki pa (presenetljivo?!) ni v NATO.

Če bi te zaradi deževnega poletja slučajno zamikalo prebrati kaj letošnjepomladnega na to temo...:
In the Greek public opinion, there is a very real fear that the country is sleepwalking toward a conflict it doesn’t want. The mood is reflected in the front pages of the daily press, and insinuating remarks by politicians across the spectrum. NATO seems unwilling to get involved in the war of words, and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg’s statement that this is “not an issue for NATO” is indicative.
But it would be extremely careless to think that Turkey’s behavior in the Aegean will change. It hasn’t in the past, and it certainly won’t now that Erdogan’s neo-Ottoman dreams are in full gear. It will take very careful handling of the situation by all parties to prevent escalation. But we should also come to terms with the possibility that, eventually, confrontation might be inevitable.
The old issue of Greek-Turkish animosity has resurfaced as the last addition to the series of problems that has inflicted damage to the southern flank of NATO. Just within the span of a week in mid-April, Greek soldiers opened fire on a Turkish helicopter, a Greek fighter jet crashed into the Aegean on its return from one of the mock dog fights with Turkish warplanes, it was reported that Prime Minister Tsipras’ helicopter was harassed by Turkish aircraft and Ankara claimed to have removed a Greek flag planted on an uninhibited islet in the Aegean.
Based on news reports from both sides, things are appearing to spiral out of control fast. What are the root causes of these tensions and what can we expect in the near future?

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