Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

anon-207617 sporočil: 6.899
Še link (

Našel ga je bc123a. V članku na tem linku je zapisano:
But zooming out from the specifics of Herzberg's crash, the more fundamental point is this: conventional car crashes killed 37,461 in the United States in 2016, which works out to 1.18 deaths per 100 million miles driven. Uber announced that it had driven 2 million miles by December 2017 and is probably up to around 3 million miles today. If you do the math, that means that Uber's cars have killed people at roughly 25 times the rate of a typical human-driven car in the United States.

Znotraj tega odstavka pa sta pa še 2 linka, ki te bosta usmerila na podatek glede prometne varnosti v ZDA (v zvezi s prevoženimi miljami) in št. milj, ki jih je Uber prevozil s samovozečim avtomobilom.
A moram resnicno razloziti, zakaj je zgornje sklepanje po prvem smrtnem primeru zajebancija? Ker se mi ne da. Mater ste navalili ko mutavi na koncert.

Vse ocene tega sporočila:

Ni nobene :(