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Izbrana tema: Špeckahlanje

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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2616920] 16.09.16 13:21 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2616918)
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Ta je pa za Črta, ki se menda rad kratkočasi s kompleksnimi fak-api. :-)
Anti-Trump Republicans: Don’t Waste Your Vote. Trade It.
Republican voters who refuse to vote for Donald J. Trump are in a bind. They could vote for Hillary Clinton, but that means supporting a candidate whose positions likely run counter to their beliefs. Or they could vote for Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate, whose positions might be closer to their own but who stands almost no chance of winning a single state, let alone the White House.
Fortunately, there’s a precedent, and a solution: vote trading, which was first attempted during the 2000 election and which, thanks to today’s more robust internet, could make all the difference in a tight race.

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