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Zadnja sprememba: pobalin 26.08.2016 16:28
Čuj, ravno berem neke čudne stvari o domovini tistega tvojega abrakadabra-strica, ki ga skoraj vsak dan limaš na forum, pa se mi zdi, da ti bodo všeč...

Komunajzarsko rožnati FT piše, da bodo v kongresu ZDA najbrž dosegli nacionalno spravo, ko bo treba prerešetati davčno politiko. Ne levim in ne desnim se ne zdi v redu, da imajo njihovi uber paradni konji (bolj jabolka) v tujini spravljenih 1,2 bilijona (ja pravega, našega bilijona oz. 1200 milijard) dolarjev.
US companies braced for tax shake-up as Apple feud escalates
When Congress convenes with a new president in the White House after this year’s election, a rare point of common ground between the two parties will be the need to reform the US’s taxation of international business.
Top US companies such as Google, Microsoft and Cisco have accumulated huge piles of offshore cash, sometimes boosted by efforts to shift earnings to low-tax jurisdictions, and kept the cash there to escape the US’s high statutory tax rates.
Apple, whose offshore cash pile has grown to about $200bn, has become the highest-profile example of such practices, with an alleged sweetheart tax deal it struck with Ireland fuelling a disagreement between Brussels and the US government. Apple and Ireland denied any wrongdoing.
Companies do not want to repatriate cash under current law because bringing foreign earnings back to the US triggers a tax liability of up to 39 per cent.
The US is one of few advanced economies that taxes the global income of its companies and not just their earnings at home. Combined with the country’s high tax rate, it is a system that companies loathe.
Menda firme denar skrivajo pred dacarji tudi zato, ker svoji domovini svobodnih in domovanju hrabrih nočejo plačevati 35% corporate tax, torej stopnje, ki je pri vrhu članic OECD.

Mislim, a je Amerom že kdo razložil Lafferjevo krivuljo in zakaj ne? :-)

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