Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

crt sporočil: 27.194
Ampak sploh ne gre za vire, za sitiacijo takrat, za evre in cente in ww1 in ww2 in hladno vojno. Poanta je, da slovenci na slovenskem forumu menijo, da nemci uspevajo zaradi pridnosti in odgovornosti (ze 70 let).
Nemci uspevajo predvsem zaradi izkoriščanja in izcrpavanja svojih sosedov. Fajn bi bilo, da folk to pošteka, ne pa da jim ploskamo poleg.
ali ce preberemo, kaj bolj nezno napise znano komunajzarsko trobilo financial times -

Openness allows Germany to pursue a passive macroeconomic policy at home and benefit from active demand-side policies pursued in other countries. About 60 per cent of the German current account surplus is with the US, the UK, France and Italy, which all have relatively high fiscal deficits. In short, Germany’s economy is supported by the demand management policies of countries that are heavily criticised by German academics and policymakers.

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