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anon-111103 sporočil: 797

kapo dol za vse kar si napisal. Me veseli, da ne debatiram z nekom, ki nima pojma. Zaradi tvojih postov sem marsikaj prebrskal in se veliko bolj seznanil z zadevo.

Iz tvojega priloženega članka je več kot očitno, da imamo previsok % epiziotomij, bolj razvite evropske države. In vendar ni vse samo črno.

Citat iz tvojega članka:

Pri 0,5 % prvorodnic je prišlo do poškodbe perineja III. stopnje, pri 0,2 % prvorodnic pa do poškodbe IV. stopnje. Na podlagi pregleda statističnih
podatkov NP IS so bile ugotovljene statistično pomembne povezave med izvedeno epiziotomijo in večjimi poškodbami perineja. Prvorodnice z raztrganino perineja III. stopnje so imele v 55,4 % opravljeno epiziotomijo.
Podobni rezultati so bili ugotovljeni tudi pri pogostosti raztrganin perineja IV. stopnje.

Je pa zanimivo, kako je s tem v tujini


Over 85% of women having a vaginal birth sustain some form of perineal trauma, and 60-70% receive stitches — equivalent to approximately 400,000 women a year in the UK in 1997. There are wide variations in rates of episiotomy: 8% in The Netherlands, 99% in East European countries, 13% in England, and 25% in the USA. Sutured spontaneous tears are reported in about a third of women in the USA and the UK, but this is probably an underestimate because of inconsistencies in both reporting and classification of perineal trauma. The incidence of anal sphincter tears varies between 0.5% in the UK, 2.5% in Denmark, and 7% in Canada.

Velika Britanija ima nižjo incidenco poškodb analnega sfinktra od Slovenije (3.stopnja in več), Danska in Kanada pa precej večjo. Zanimiva je tudi obsežnost problematike:

In the UK, about 23-42% of women continue to have pain and discomfort for 10-12 days postpartum, and 7-10% of women continue to have long-term pain (3-18 months after delivery); 23% of women experience superficial dyspareunia at 3 months; 3-10% report faecal incontinence; and up to 24% have urinary problems. Complications depend on the severity of perineal trauma, and on the effectiveness of treatment.

Torej, pri posledicah vaginalnih porodov nismo katastrofalni. Pri carskih rezih pa imamo problem, kot sam ugotavljaš, ker imamo premalo anestezilogov, in ker socialistično zdravstvo precej ovira možnosti zasebne iniciative, sploh pa možnost, da bi vsaj del poroda kril OZZ. Upam, da bo kmalu to ustavno sodišče spremenilo, ker je bedno, da ljudje dejansko nimajo izbire, kljub temu, da ni mogoče vnaprej predvideti ali bi za posamezno nosečnico bolje bilo, da bi opravila vaginalni porod ali carski rez (to zvemo šele po opravljenem porodu).

Na netu sem našel en dober povzetek:

The National Institute for Clinical Excellence has revised its judgement and now says that, overall, caesareans are no more risky than vaginal deliveries – though the risks are different. The risks of caesareans are related to having major surgery and there are longer recovery times and that can interfere with the initiation of breastfeeding. Women who have vaginal births have a slightly higher risk of internal injuries. There is no conclusive evidence on maternal and child death during the two forms of childbirth and what exists is conflicting. The risk however in both cases is very small. Children born by caesarean are nearly twice as likely to receive neonatal intensive care – but that is likely to relate to the reason they opted for a caesarean rather than the caesarean itself. There is a strong desire for better counselling about these risks to help women understand what they mean. Unfortunately, the evidence on psychological impacts of different birth methods is also conflicting and psychologists argue that the most important factor is that women feel in control and not like they have failed if they don't have a natural birth. The standards of care they receive throughout is key to their psychological outcome.

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