Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek JPD: Ciprasov referendumski blef in dan potem

Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

anon-292686 sporočil: 763
Nekaj člankov, ki se mi jih zdi pomembno navesti ob zgornji kolumni:

1. www.strategic-cultur...tners.html
Finian Cunningham explains that about half of the Greek debt is due to military spending in response to the hyped “Turkish threat.” Now it is Eastern Europe and Scandinavia that are busting their budgets due to the hyped “Russian threat.” The benefactors of the “threats” are the US, UK, German, and French military industries. The victims are the dolts who fall for the hyped “threat.”

2. www.informationclear...e42263.htm
Peter Koenig explains the attack by international finance on Greece, an attack aimed at terminating the sovereignty of Greece and reducing the Greek people, soon to be followed by the Italian and Spanish people and eventually the French and Germans themselves, to penury.

3. www.paulcraigroberts...g-roberts/
Paul Craig Roberts on Western world and democracy.

4. In nenazadnje, čeprav (ampak res samo) malce "za izven" - tudi tale je vreden branja: www.rutherford.org/p...ree_speech

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