
Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

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anon-307374 sporočil: 177
[Glavni forum] Tema: Titova poslednja bitka
[#2374449] 19.04.14 20:33
Odgovori   +    4
Why stop with the WW2?

We honor and grieve for all Slovenians who suffered under the Habsburg Empire.
We honor and grieve for all Slovenians who suffered during the Anti-Protestantism.
We honor and grieve for all Slovenians who suffered during the Inquisition.
We honor and grieve for all Slovenians who suffered during the Ottoman wars.
We honor and grieve for all Slovenians who suffered by Atila the Hun.

Heck, I grieve for the first guy who decided he was a Slovenian - because he was alone :D

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