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Izbrana tema: članek Ukrajina ruskim moškim prepovedala vstop

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anon-16741 sporočil: 3.984
[Glavni forum] Tema: Ukrajina ruskim moškim prepovedala vstop
[#2373960] 18.04.14 19:55 · odgovor na: anon-218461 (#2373952)
Odgovori   +    0
Ah daj, daj. Sem videl tiste "specialce". Neki tipčki pred penzijo. Ruske vojske trenutno ni v Ukrajini, kar pa ne pomeni, da Rusi tele borce ne podpirajo kolikor se da.

No, na tej sliki ni ravno videti starčkov, plus da sami povedo svoje poreklo. Če je seveda verjeti članku, ampak tu bi prej pričakoval kontra laž, kot pa da so se ustrelili v koleno.

Ni pa to osamljen primer. Sicer so pa zahodni analitiki naredili povzetek dogajanja v tem pogledu, še tebi prilepim:

The pro-Russian "activists” in eastern Ukraine exhibit military training and equipment and work together in a way that is consistent with troops who are part of a long-standing unit, not spontaneously stood up from a local militia.

The weapon handling discipline and professional behavior of these forces is consistent with a trained military force. Rifle muzzles are pointed down, fingers not on triggers, but rather laid across trigger mechanisms.

Coordinated use of tear gas and stun grenades against targeted buildings indicates a level of training that exceeds a recently formed militia.

Video of these forces at checkpoints shows they are attentive, on their feet, focused on their security tasks, and under control of an apparent leader. This contrasts with typical militia or mob checkpoints, where it’s common to see people sitting, smoking, and so forth.

The way these forces target government buildings, hit them in coordinated strikes and quickly secure the surrounding area with roadblocks and barricades is similar to what we’ve seen in Crimea. Again, indicative of a professional military force, acting under direction and leadership, not a spontaneous militia.

Finally, the weapons and equipment they carry are primarily Russian army issue. This is not the kind of equipment that civilians would be likely to be able to get their hands on in large numbers.

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