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anon-15342 sporočil: 8.014
obvezno branje - ft alphaville slovenia q&a
V tej analizi piše tudi naslednje:
... the government stopped issuing bonds, and since 2011 it has paid its debt obligations — including servicing the bonds it sold to foreign investors — and funded its budget deficit through short-term bills. And many of those bills have been sold to the country’s domestic banks, the three largest of which are owned, directly and indirectly, by the government ...
... the sovereign-bank debt loop is coming sharply into focus ...
... yields on Slovenian bills and bonds fell a bit into this week. But the bids came mainly from the country’s three biggest, state-owned banks. This isn’t what you would call a long-term solution.
Ampak zakaj neki danes FTjevci obremenjujejo svoje bralce s tem nonsensom? Z istim nonsensom je prejšnji in ta teden v dveh člankih bralce Financ obremenjeval neki TadejK, pa so mu bančni strokovnjaki na tem forumu dokazali, da so vse skrbi v tej smeri čisto zgrešene in so plod "popolne nekompetentnosti" in "podcenjevanja stroke"!

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