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anon-238605 sporočil: 540
[Glavni forum] Tema: Ciprski precedens
[#2051162] 18.03.13 05:13
Odgovori   +    9
Che Guevara zastave in pesmi iz Kombinata. Naprej zastave slave!! Dol z Neoliberalci !!

Republic of Cyprus: a Historic Victory for the Left
Posted: 26 February 08
Phaedon Vassiliades (Workers Democracy Group)
A resounding defeat for Greek Cypriot Nationalism and Neoliberalism

The crucial presidential runoff in (Southern) Cyprus on Sunday 24 February 2008 brought to office Dimitris Christofias the Communist Party leader who clinched 53 percent of the vote in an unprecedented victory for the island’s Communist AKEL party, beating the conservative Yiannis Kasoulides, who polled 46 percent of the vote. As the biggest Greek Cypriot political party, AKEL controls one-third of the vote, but for the first time in its 82-year history fielded its own candidate for president. The Communists have previously preferred to form a strategic alliance with a contender from the centre or left and play a back seat role in government. It is no surprise then that last Sunday’s results led its jubilant supporters, among them many Turkish Cypriots who crossed from the North to the South, to flood the streets of capital, Nicosia, waving red and Che Guevara flags, honking car horns and lighting flares.

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