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Izbrana tema: članek Cene živil na rekordne vrednosti?

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gogi1 sporočil: 5.314
V ZDA se za gorivo brez potrebe porabi 25% vse pridelane koruze. Očitno bo Global Warming naredil največ škode ravno s slaboumnimi ukrepi ljudi in ne zaradi česa drugega, kakšnega CO2 na primer.

One-quarter of all the maize and other grain crops grown in the US now goes to produce fuel for cars and not to feed people, according to new analysis which suggests the biofuel revolution launched by former President Bush in 2007 is impacting on world food supplies.

Last year 107m tonnes of grain, mostly corn, was grown by US farmers to be blended with petrol. This was nearly twice as much as in 2007 when Bush challenged farmers to increase production by 500% by 2017 to save energy and reduce carbon emissions.

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