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Zadnja sprememba: čarli 14.01.2011 00:43
Dejanska slika Švedske:
Stagnating Socialist Sweden

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In an article (unfortunately available in Swedish onlyDownload PDF) published in the Swedish Economics Association's journal Ekonomisk Debatt in 2009, Ratio Institute economists Bjuggren and Johansson show the sad truth. Relying on public data from the government agency Statistics Sweden ("SCB" in Swedish, an acronym standing for the Central Bureau of Statistics) and using a new classification system to denote ownership, they found that there has been no job creation at all in the private sector from 1950 to 2005.

Yes, you read that correctly: there was no net increase in the number of jobs in the private sector in Sweden over a period of 55 years. In other words, starting five years after the end of the Second World War, the Swedish economy was at a complete standstill.

Believers of the Sweden myth might wish to attack the classification system used by Bjuggren and Johansson, but it is based on an international standard that simply provides a better view of the public and private sectors through identifying the holder of ownership rather than type of management or official status.

While the private sector has provided zero net job creation, the public sector has seen monstrous growth during this period (see the graph provided in this article, with private sector jobs in blue, public sector in brown, and population in red). And the population has increased even more, which explains the higher unemployment rates as well as the great chunk of people of working age pushed into public universities to further "educate" themselves.

Sweden's relatively successful survival through the recent financial crisis has nothing to do with propping up government, increasing welfare benefits, or nationalizing the private sector. It is a direct result of a purposeful and politically painful program over a period of more than 15 years to clean up the mess of almost a century of Krugmanite policies that were close to bankrupting the thousand-year-old nation.

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