
Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek Energetski velikan Total se umika iz Irana

Strani: 1

PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
[#2729263] 20.08.18 16:23 · odgovor na: (#2729233)
Odgovori   +    0
Iranci so nekaj živčni in ropotajo , da Saudi Arabia NE sme načrpati še njihov delež. Trump pravi da morajo. Vprašanje: Kaj se bo zgodilo?
V resnici sploh ni težek odgovor. ;))))
However, S&P Global Platts and the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimated the Saudis actually hiked output to 10.6 million bpd in July, The Wall Street Journal reported last week. According to the Journal, the Saudis asked several sources whose estimates underpin the independent figure to

The Saudis face the challenge of managing the oil market so that prices do not rise high enough to hurt demand or upset allies like Trump, but do not fall so low that they put stress on the kingdom’s finances.

DEC v Beli hisi reče: Jump and.... they ask How high.
Odkar ni vec Obumbarja so stvari ZELO drugačne. US, kot trenutno NAJVEČJA proizvajalka nafte sedaj določa cene nafte.

Which country produces the most oil 2018?
Who are the Largest Oil Producing Countries?

1. USA. Leading the way in global oil production in 2017 was the USA, which represented about 13.4% of the world's total oil output. ...
2. Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia — one of the top oil producing countries in the world. ...
anon-204390 sporočil: 13.528
[#2729272] 20.08.18 16:53 · odgovor na: PyotrNovak (#2729263)
Odgovori   +    2
Iranci so nekaj živčni in ropotajo , da Saudi Arabia NE sme načrpati še njihov delež. Trump pravi da morajo. Vprašanje: Kaj se bo zgodilo?
V resnici sploh ni težek odgovor. ;))))
However, S&P Global Platts and the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimated the Saudis actually hiked output to 10.6 million bpd in July, The Wall Street Journal reported last week. According to the Journal, the Saudis asked several sources whose estimates underpin the independent figure to

The Saudis face the challenge of managing the oil market so that prices do not rise high enough to hurt demand or upset allies like Trump, but do not fall so low that they put stress on the kingdom’s finances.

DEC v Beli hisi reče: Jump and.... they ask How high.
Odkar ni vec Obumbarja so stvari ZELO drugačne. US, kot trenutno NAJVEČJA proizvajalka nafte sedaj določa cene nafte.

Which country produces the most oil 2018?
Who are the Largest Oil Producing Countries?

1. USA. Leading the way in global oil production in 2017 was the USA, which represented about 13.4% of the world's total oil output. ...
2. Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia — one of the top oil producing countries in the world. ...
SA je danes edini legalni kalifat in do sedaj najvecji financer terorizma. Navsezadnje so tudi sesutje wtc dvojcka v
ny financirali najvec viri iiz SA. Zanimive so njihove vahabitske verske sole, skozi katere so sli prakticno prav vsi teroristi (no vsaj tisti ki kaj veljajo) .

Strani: 1