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0126Bacis sporočil: 3.061
[#2704850] 29.03.18 07:21
Odgovori   +    1
Težava je v izredno ostrih "ekoloških predpisih" za NOx in PM10 izpuste.
Pri tem pa nihče ne ve, koliko so res škodljivi.
Zaenkrat veljajo ekoteroristični standardi, ki se jim firme izmikajo z raznimi "fintami".

Resen preizkus toksičnosti na opicah in prostovoljcih je propadel.
anon-171197 sporočil: 814
[#2705573] 03.04.18 12:02 · odgovor na: 0126Bacis (#2704850)
Odgovori   +    2
nisem niti priblizno zagovornik nmskih limuzin, ki zame ne predstavljajo, vsaj kar se tice pogona, nobenega napredka. Sem pa popolni fan el. avtomobilov, kot potrosnik, ki ne zeli vsakih 20000km vozit avto na servis, ce ze sploh. Pa kljub temu, ekoteriristiv oz. novodobnih socialistov enostavno ne morem prebavljat. CO2 nikar ne vodi v ogrevanje planeta se manj pa v klimatske spremembe. Pa kljub temu imas v znanosti en kup telebanov, ki hredo celo tako dalec, da prirejajo podatke tem. zemlje. In kdo vse to placuje? Ja mi, koncni porabniki z nekimi davki na CO2 izpuste, ki so jih uvedli na podlagi laznih meritev tem zemeljske oble. Kdaj se bomo ljudje uprli tej norosti, se sprasujem?!

kaj vec o nihanju tem. na zemlji pa v tem posnetku:
anon-17140 sporočil: 836
[#2712399] 17.05.18 16:32
Odgovori   +    0
Tesla, velik up ameriškega gospodarstva propada sam od sebe. Kot protiukrep je zgleda treba uničiti proizvajalce dizlov, še posebej če so nemški.

Med tem pa na njihovih cestah idioti zganjajo t.i. rolling coal ( - tu pa ni nobenega problema. Ojej, kam smo prišli.
pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[#2713503] 23.05.18 15:44 · odgovor na: anon-17140 (#2712399)
Odgovori   +    0
Tesla, velik up ameriškega gospodarstva propada sam od sebe. Kot protiukrep je zgleda treba uničiti proizvajalce dizlov, še posebej če so nemški.
Dvomim, da ima ta cirkus kaj dosti zveze s Teslo. Tesla najbrž izvozi večji delež svoje proizvodnje kot katerakoli druga ameriška firma.
Med tem pa na njihovih cestah idioti zganjajo t.i. rolling coal ( - tu pa ni nobenega problema. Ojej, kam smo prišli.
Uf, tega pa nisem vedel, hvala. Res so tudi Ameri mojstri hipokrizije. Ob vsej homologacijski strogosti imajo vse mogoče zakonske luknje. Primer: kamionarski glider kiti so manufakturno sestavljeni novi tovornjaki z obnovljenimi motorji, za katere ne veljajo današnje emisijske norme.
Advantages of a Glider Kit:
Lower cost of ownership compared to a factory truck
Better fuel economy
New York Times je pred tremi meseci objavil fascinanten daljši članek o tem fenomenu, ki je posledica luknje v predpisih. Moti le, da ne pojasni, kako in s čigavo pomočjo je nastala ta luknja.
But there is something unusual about the big rigs sold by the Fitzgeralds: They are equipped with rebuilt diesel engines that do not need to comply with rules on modern emissions controls. That makes them cheaper to operate, but means that they spew 40 to 55 times the air pollution of other new trucks, according to federal estimates, including toxins blamed for asthma, lung cancer and a range of other ailments.
The trucks, which Fitzgerald claims burn less fuel per mile and are cheaper to repair, have been on the market since at least the 1970s. But after the federal government moved to force improvements in truck emissions, with standards that were first enacted during the Clinton administration and took full effect by 2010, gliders became a way for trucking companies to legally skirt the rules.
Dealers like Fitzgerald buy truck bodies from Peterbilt, Freightliner and other manufacturers and typically install 1990s-era engines, recovered from salvage yards, that its employees rebuild down to their cores. The used engines and other remanufactured parts allow dealers to claim that the new trucks predate emissions requirements, and therefore should be exempt.
The glider trucks take advantage of other regulatory loopholes. Since most of the engines were manufactured before 1999, the trucks are exempt from a federal law that went into effect in December intended to prevent accidents caused by fatigued drivers. The law requires commercial truck drivers to use an electronic logging system to track how many hours they spend behind the wheel, and to take mandatory breaks. The law covers truck engines manufactured after 1999.
The glider trucks, in some cases, also are not subject to a 12 percent federal excise tax imposed on truck sales, because they are not considered new trucks. Ms. Black intervened with the Internal Revenue Service last year, along with three other members of Congress, to protect that tax break.
The analysis said E.P.A. tests found that the Fitzgerald trucks emitted nitrogen oxide levels during highway operations that were 43 times as high as those from trucks with modern emissions control systems. The air pollution from these glider trucks was so bad that one year’s worth of truck sales was estimated to release 13 times as much nitrogen oxide as all of the Volkswagen diesel cars with fraudulent emissions controls, a scheme that resulted in a criminal case against the company and more than $4 billion in fines.
Tale Fitzgerald naj bi bil partner čudežne prikazni Nikola Motor in njihovih ultra eko tovornjakov.

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