Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek Ko bi Henry T zamenjal z e

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0126Bacis sporočil: 3.036
[#2663496] 13.07.17 05:30
Odgovori   +    12
Pa kaj komplicirate:
- avto bo imel "FURS štempljan" števec kilometrov.
- VSE CESTE bodo opremili z elektronskim cestninjenjem.

Javi sektor bo zase, in za prijatelje, že poskrbel!

Na kaj boš pa avto poganjal, je pa tvoja privat zabava.
Lahko tudi na kolm ali konja.
PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
[#2663532] 13.07.17 12:12
Odgovori   +    1
Zadnja sprememba: PyotrNovak 13.07.2017 12:13
Če ne bi bilo zakonov fizike bi bilo to mogoče res. Veliko domorodcev verjame v vse vrste teorij zarote, vse skupaj pa zajebe majhen detaljček: Specifična moč akumulatorja na kg.
Za take členke bi bilo dobro odpreti Fizika za osn. šolo, elektrika, akumulatorji.
Tudi stric ima samo malo več med nogami, pa še zdaleč ni teta.
1) Weight: Lithium-ion batteries are one-third the weight of lead acid batteries.

2) Efficiency: Lithium-ion batteries are nearly 100% efficient in both charge and discharge, allowing for the same amp hours both in and out. Lead acid batteries’ inefficiency leads to a loss of 15 amps while charging and rapid discharging drops voltage quickly and reduces the batteries’ capacity.

3) Discharge: Lithium-ion batteries are discharged 100% versus less than 80% for lead acid. Most lead acid batteries do not recommend more than 50% depth of discharge.

4) Cycle Life: Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries cycle 5000 times or more compared to just 400-500 cycles in lead acid. Cycle life is greatly affected by higher levels of discharge in lead acid, versus only slightly affected in lithium-ion batteries.

5) Voltage: Lithium-ion batteries maintain their voltage throughout the entire discharge cycle. This allows for greater and longer-lasting efficiency of electrical components. Lead acid voltage drops consistently throughout the discharge cycle.

6) Cost: Despite the higher upfront cost of lithium-ion batteries, the true cost of ownership is far less than lead acid when considering life span and performance.

7) Environmental Impact: Lithium-ion batteries are a much cleaner technology and are safer for the environment.

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