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pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[#2736593] 04.10.18 13:31
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Forbes objavil lestvico najbogatejših Američanov - na prvem mestu Jeff Bazos
George Soros... in je sedaj osebno vreden 8,3 milijarde dolarjev.
Donald Trump je tako kot lani vreden 3,1 milijarde dolarjev
Rejver "put the price on their heads"?
pobalin sporočil: 14.456
[#2736607] 04.10.18 15:06
Odgovori   +    0
Zadnja sprememba: pobalin 04.10.2018 15:08
Jeff Bezos ustanovitelj Amazona je najbogatejši Američan, je razvidno iz Forbsove lestvice najbogatejših Američanov.
Iz članka CNBC (in drugih poročil na isto temo) pa je razvidno, zakaj je tako bogat - ker vsak cent obrne najmanj trikrat, ker vsak dolar težko da iz rok in ker ko enega glasno da, drugega potihem zadrži.
Amazon's hourly workers lose monthly bonuses and stock awards as minimum wage increases
"The significant increase in hourly cash wages more than compensates for the phase out of incentive pay and [restrictive stock units]," Amazon's spokesperson said in an emailed statement. "We can confirm that all hourly Operations and Customer Service employees will see an increase in their total compensation as a result of this announcement. In addition, because it's no longer incentive-based, the compensation will be more immediate and predictable.
Amazon disclosed in its announcement on Tuesday that it is replacing the stock awards program with the minimum-wage increase because employees prefer the "predictability and immediacy of cash" compared with stock awards. The company didn't say anything about the monthly bonuses.
The announcement served as a good publicity event for Amazon, which has recently been criticized for the low wages and poor working conditions at its warehouses. Two of Amazon's biggest critics, Sen. Bernie Sanders and the Trump White House, both applauded the move on Tuesday.
The increase pushes Amazon’s lowest wage above that at Walmart Inc and Target Corp. It is almost $3 shy of the average for a non-management worker in warehousing in the United States.
The online retailer also said it would now lobby in Washington D.C. for an increase in the federal minimum wage and urged its competitors to follow its lead as the union-led “Fight for Fifteen” movement pushes for higher remuneration.
Amazon’s move comes when U.S. unemployment is at a near two-decade low as retailers and shippers compete for hundreds of thousands of workers for the all-important holiday shopping season.
Za deželni poslovni časnik Finance iz Delavskega doma in za njegovo postsocialistično publiko bi moralo biti zanimivo prevsem, kako Amazon razlaga svojo plačno reformo, ki prinaša višje urne postavke in hkrati ukinja nagrajevanje stalnosti in bonuse, ki hkrati poteši desnega in levega populista. Plače in davki so tradicionalno najbolj sočna paša za populiste.

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