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anon-317028 sporočil: 30.415
[#2728523] 15.08.18 22:05
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Zadnja sprememba: anon-317028 15.08.2018 22:13
Pri branju časopisov iz različnih koncev sveta je občutek, da je svet sprejel odločitev glede dolarja, preprosto znebil se ga bo. Države prodajajo ameriški dolg, res ne velike zneske, večji je problem za Američane, ker se nakup ameriških obveznic ne povečuje, tisti, ki pa jih kupi želi višje obresti.
PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
[#2728555] 16.08.18 08:47 · odgovor na: anon-317028 (#2728523)
Odgovori   +    0
Tek sto nije......

For years, China’s exports have helped the country accumulate piles of foreign currency reserves, especially US dollars.

Recently, China’s US dollar reserves have been falling by a half trillion, as officially recognized by the Chinese government.

Where did the money go?

The answer is quite simple, according to Yi Gang, a member of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: "Mainly, the reserves went to Chinese citizens and companies.”

That’s a tautology. Who else could it have been?

Besides, the answer avoids addressing a more fundamental question: why Chinese citizens and corporations sell yuan for US dollars during a period when the IMF has been thinking highly of the Chinese currency?

Last December the IMF decided to include the yuan or Renminbi in its basket of reserve currencies. That should have set up a race among wealthy Chinese investors to sell other currencies to buy the yuan. Instead, it fueled a rush to move money out of the country, trading it for other currencies, as evidenced by recent international capital flow data.
anon-154083 sporočil: 6.570
[#2728556] 16.08.18 08:50 · odgovor na: PyotrNovak (#2728555)
Odgovori   +    0
Last December the IMF decided to include the yuan or Renminbi in its basket of reserve currencies. That should have set up a race among wealthy Chinese investors to sell other currencies to buy the yuan. Instead, it fueled a rush to move money out of the country, trading it for other currencies, as evidenced by recent international capital flow data.
Mogoče pa te dve zadevi sploh nista povezani?
PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
[#2728644] 16.08.18 12:32 · odgovor na: anon-154083 (#2728556)
Odgovori   +    0
Zadnja sprememba: PyotrNovak 16.08.2018 12:33
Ce lasten narod NE zaupa v svojo valuto, kaj pa potem šele ostali?

Mogoče pa se jim vsaj sanjajo obrisi neverjetnega notranjega dolga ki ga ima Kitajska.

Malo poglej -chinese shadow bankig, chinese zombie factories, pa še -chinese ghost cities

Slika ni prijetna in večini tudi ni znana.
anon-186196 sporočil: 2.052
[#2728667] 16.08.18 14:05 · odgovor na: anon-317028 (#2728523)
Odgovori   +    0
morda tole pojasni za en scepec: kdo je v zadnjem letu kupoval frisn ameriski dolg.
anon-154083 sporočil: 6.570
[#2728678] 16.08.18 14:53 · odgovor na: anon-186196 (#2728667)
Odgovori   +    1
morda tole pojasni za en scepec: kdo je v zadnjem letu kupoval frisn ameriski dolg.
Mi se delamo norca iz Junckerja, ampak on kar lepo vodi gospodinjstvo:

Luxembourg: $220 milijard dolarjev

Bo očitno držala tista, da sta bila prva Luksemburžana Štajerc in Gorenjka.

Strani: 1