Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek Reciklaža: Dmitrij Medvedjev

Strani: 1

anon-93129 sporočil: 2.117
[#2710599] 07.05.18 18:16
Odgovori   +    3
Zgleda, da dvig cene nafte še najbolj pomaga Rusiji. Uf, kakšne sankcije zahoda.
PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
[#2710608] 07.05.18 18:50 · odgovor na: anon-93129 (#2710599)
Odgovori   +    1
Texas flood: U.S. oil exports pour into markets worldwide


The U.S. Is Exporting Oil and Gas at a Record Pace


The United States will overtake Russia as the world's biggest oil producer by 2019 at the latest, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said


Z drugimi besedami: bancin je drag samo v socialisticni skupnosti EU, v US je 0.65 Eur liter.

An oil-exporting country’s “fiscal breakeven” oil price is the minimum price per barrel that the country needs in order to meet its expected spending needs while balancing its budget

Russia has seen this problem manifest in its ballooning 2016 budget deficit. The budget deficit was $25 billion in 2015, or 2.6 percent of total GDP, according to Russia’s Finance Ministry. But Russia’s finance minister said last September that 2016 budget deficit projections had been revised upward. It could reach 3.7 percent of Russia’s GDP by year’s end.
Russia's finance minister said last January that Russia could balance its budget if oil reached $82 a barrel

NOT gonna happen. Texas dela na polno 24/7/365. Z drugimi besedami: Putin ima jajca v primezu.
rx170 sporočil: 6.403
[#2710611] 07.05.18 19:13 · odgovor na: PyotrNovak (#2710608)
Odgovori   +    3
Texas flood: U.S. oil exports pour into markets worldwide


The U.S. Is Exporting Oil and Gas at a Record Pace


The United States will overtake Russia as the world's biggest oil producer by 2019 at the latest, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said


Z drugimi besedami: bancin je drag samo v socialisticni skupnosti EU, v US je 0.65 Eur liter.

An oil-exporting country’s “fiscal breakeven” oil price is the minimum price per barrel that the country needs in order to meet its expected spending needs while balancing its budget

Russia has seen this problem manifest in its ballooning 2016 budget deficit. The budget deficit was $25 billion in 2015, or 2.6 percent of total GDP, according to Russia’s Finance Ministry. But Russia’s finance minister said last September that 2016 budget deficit projections had been revised upward. It could reach 3.7 percent of Russia’s GDP by year’s end.
Russia's finance minister said last January that Russia could balance its budget if oil reached $82 a barrel

NOT gonna happen. Texas dela na polno 24/7/365. Z drugimi besedami: Putin ima jajca v primezu.
Ja, samo frackerji bodo spet začeli zapirati, kakor hitro bo šla cena dol, ker je njihov break even price precej višji. Ta film smo že gledali.


PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
[#2710615] 07.05.18 19:29 · odgovor na: rx170 (#2710611)
Odgovori   +    0
2018 Oil & Gas Projects To Break Even At $44 Per Barrel - Oil Price
oilprice.com › Energy › Energy-General

New oil & gas projects in 2018 are set to see breakeven levels fall by 15 percent, hitting roughly $44 per barrel. ... By Irina Slav - Apr 05, 2018, 9:30 AM CDT Oil rig. New oil and gas projects to be sanctioned this year will likely have a ... Related: Oil Prices Head Higher On Large Crude Draw.

Fracking v US NI več izkoriščanje naravnih virov, je postal industrija. To pomeni da se stroški zaradi stalnih inovacij znižujejo iz leta v leto.

You wish......He he he. Saj verjmem da častilci vzhoda trpite, but..such is life....

NIKOLI NE podcenjuj kavbojske iznajdljivosti in ekonomske svobode brez primere.
rx170 sporočil: 6.403
[#2710620] 07.05.18 19:46 · odgovor na: PyotrNovak (#2710615)
Odgovori   +    1
2018 Oil & Gas Projects To Break Even At $44 Per Barrel - Oil Price
oilprice.com › Energy › Energy-General

New oil & gas projects in 2018 are set to see breakeven levels fall by 15 percent, hitting roughly $44 per barrel. ... By Irina Slav - Apr 05, 2018, 9:30 AM CDT Oil rig. New oil and gas projects to be sanctioned this year will likely have a ... Related: Oil Prices Head Higher On Large Crude Draw.

Fracking v US NI več izkoriščanje naravnih virov, je postal industrija. To pomeni da se stroški zaradi stalnih inovacij znižujejo iz leta v leto.

You wish......He he he. Saj verjmem da častilci vzhoda trpite, but..such is life....

NIKOLI NE podcenjuj kavbojske iznajdljivosti in ekonomske svobode brez primere.
Težko boš meni očital ljubiteljstvo vzhoda, saj je splošno znano, da sem velik ljubitelj vsega ameriškega od NFLa, BBQitd., filmov, itd. Res pa je tudi, da za razliko od nekaterih nisem rusofob.
Fifteen of the largest shale oil and gas producers reported total net losses of $470 million for the three months between April and June when benchmark WTI prices averaged $48.

V resnici je break even precej različen po proizvajalcih in odvisen vira. Logično je, da je glede na postopek to pridobivanje dražje. To seveda ne pomeni, da določenega tržnega deleža shale proizvajalci ne bodo imeli vendar je pa tudi dejstvo, da je OPEC s povečanim črpanjem nafte precej teh proizvajalcev enostavno spravil s trga.


REs je seveda tudi, da nujno nafte ne prodajaš po cenah trenutno ampak imaš različne pogodbe z najprej določenimi cenami, ki te ščitijo pred nenadnimi padci na trgu. To velja tako za shale kot tudi Ruse in Opec.
PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
[#2710629] 07.05.18 20:24 · odgovor na: rx170 (#2710620)
Odgovori   +    5
OK. Precej podobni pogledi. Rusi so potencialno velik narod, ki nažalost propada pod diktatorji in dobi normalnega vladarja vsakih nekaj sto let. Peter Veliki, recimo. Pred cca 110 let so bili na tem da se priključijo civilizaciji; film, slikarstvo, glasba, je bilo vse na svetovnem nivoju.

BAM in so šli spet nazaj in še danes razen vojaške železnine ni nič, ker se Idiot Putin se igra imperatorja. Pametn voditelj bi razvijal gospodarstvo, znanost etc, kajti to naredi državo močno. Toda v sistemu "silovikov", korupcije, je to mission impossible.
Svet potrebuje močno, normalno Rusijo, na pa tole "gas station" kreaturo od države. (če upoštevam vse potenciale ki jih imajo)
shevchenko sporočil: 21.898
[#2710653] 08.05.18 07:17 · odgovor na: PyotrNovak (#2710629)
Odgovori   +    3
se mi zdi, da je bil jelcin toliko vodljiv in pripravljen razdajati drzavno bogastvo multinacionalkam, da je bil za zahod kar sprejemljiv. ce se ze gres blesavo propagando, bodi vsaj kolikor toliko izurjen v tem.
FIN-466864 sporočil: 3.316
[#2710673] 08.05.18 10:02 · odgovor na: PyotrNovak (#2710608)
Odgovori   +    1
čas vnosa: 07.05.18 19:11
Texas flood: U.S. oil exports pour into markets worldwide


The U.S. Is Exporting Oil and Gas at a Record Pace


The United States will overtake Russia as the world's biggest oil producer by 2019 at the latest, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said


Z drugimi besedami: bancin je drag samo v socialisticni skupnosti EU, v US je 0.65 Eur liter.

An oil-exporting country’s “fiscal breakeven” oil price is the minimum price per barrel that the country needs in order to meet its expected spending needs while balancing its budget

Russia has seen this problem manifest in its ballooning 2016 budget deficit. The budget deficit was $25 billion in 2015, or 2.6 percent of total GDP, according to Russia’s Finance Ministry. But Russia’s finance minister said last September that 2016 budget deficit projections had been revised upward. It could reach 3.7 percent of Russia’s GDP by year’s end.
Russia's finance minister said last January that Russia could balance its budget if oil reached $82 a barrel

NOT gonna happen. Texas dela na polno 24/7/365. Z drugimi besedami: Putin ima jajca v primezu.
sej zato pa mi (EU) plačujemo "ameriške sanje"...(širjenje demokracije po svetu)...
oni takajo po 0,65€/l
mi pa po 1,35€ ....

razlika je očitna...

Strani: 1