Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek V kakšni nevarnosti je svetovno gospodarstvo?

Strani: 1

anon-248359 sporočil: 40
[#1228129] 30.05.11 12:55
Odgovori   +    1
Nisem ekonomist, ampak močno dvomim, da ima lahko padanje cen stanovanj in hiš v Sloveniji lahko tak učinek, saj tudi slovenska kriza nima enakih korenin kot jih ima svetovna? Se mi zdi ta trditev glede stanovanjskega trga, kaj vem, anglocentrična?
anon-35163 sporočil: 30.643
[#1228176] 30.05.11 13:15
Odgovori   +    0
Zadnja sprememba: anon-35163 30.05.2011 13:16
"Wile E. Coyote moment" je samo vprašanje časa.

anon-224391 sporočil: 1.886
[#1228352] 30.05.11 14:47
Odgovori   +    0
spet eden, ki stavi vse na rast.
kaj pa. če se rasti ne da več?
če se je zaradi izčrpanih "dnevnih" kopov in odvisnosti predelave hrane od kemije, vse začelo dražiti (kovine, energenti, zrak, ..)?
kaj če "rast" po dosedaj znanem modelu ni več možna in bo potrebno "model" spremeniti npr. v Afriškega, Indijskega??
anon-253652 sporočil: 273
[#1228505] 30.05.11 16:03
Odgovori   +    1
Med drugim ( kongovori o posojilni krizi ) praviV zameno za rešilno posojilo, so se vse tri države Grčija, Irska, Portugalska lotile strogih varčevalnih ukrepov.Toda s tem ne bodo niti malo ublažile težave s svojim velikim in rastočim dolgom ( presežkom dolga) temveč povzročile velikansko trpljenje v družbi.
Na žalost bo nastradalo ljudstvo. Vsi ki so imeli korist in privilegije pa bodo še naprej živeli svoje življenje. Vsaka podobnost z našo državo je zgolj naključna. Janez
anon-227911 sporočil: 717
[#1228513] 30.05.11 16:10
Odgovori   +    0
Zanimiv text:

Long speculated upon in our community, the rock and the hard place has finally become a reality. An economy not accelerating at an accelerating rate is declining at an accelerating rate. The mirage of a recovery is getting harder and harder to MOPE about. It simply is not there. We are entering a declining phase that will not end in any kind of a soft landing.

Stimulation monetarily, QE, and fiscal are like controlled substances in that the real high is on the first injection. After that, each additional stimulation of an economy must be multiples of the first stimulation in ever increasing size just in order to hold the line. QE3 is guaranteed unless the powers that be want to see a depression that will make the Great Depression look like kindergarten in the pain department.

This week we saw a European Bank forced to sell their US mortgage derivatives and the loss was a shocker. These pieces of crap are not worth the digital bits they are written on. Smart money has not let this event pass their view, and know now how broke the US financial system really is. This event broke the camouflage of FASB's selling their souls out to politics by allowing the banks to value their mortgage derivatives at any price the bank wanted on the bank's cartoon balance sheets. The western balance sheets of their financial institutions are raging misstatements. The system is broke. This is why there is no recovery of merit but rather a statistical aberration, which was until recently only holding the line.

Here we are at that place we have anticipated for the past 45 years knowing that all the games being played had to play out at that point where super stimulation had no effect and it became totally appreciated that even many trillions of printed money will only impact the currency and not business.

The rock and the hard place is a time when the Western World is simply screwed.

The risk of not stimulating is stagflation at a spiritual level. The risk of stimulating is stagflation at a spiritual level. The risk of doing nothing is both an economic and currency collapse of biblical proportions...

Strani: 1