
Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

crt sporočil: 27.253
se enkrat, na IB bos dobil izpisane podatke za nakazilo, torej kam denar poslati (prejemnik, IBAN, ...) - od kod nakazujes, tu ni bistveno. meni zadeve delujejo povsem normalno in celo hitro (via sanpaolo).

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 3037097

Strani: 1

primozxy sporočil: 417
Se že vnaprej opravičujem...
To mi pošljejo

Your deposit will be refunded

we have registered a deposit to your cash account that does not meet our requirements for a valid deposit. The following conditions must be met for your deposit:

Your full name is specified as the recipient name.

It is a SEPA transfer.

You are the owner of the account from which you are making the transfer. This can also be a joint account.

Please note that we do not accept the following transfers, as we either do not support them or cannot clearly assign them to you:

Deposits from business accounts.

Deposits from non-SEPA accounts.

Deposits with a different recipient name.

Deposits via lightning transfers (e.g. Target2).

Deposits that cannot be clearly assigned to you (e.g. PayPal, Payback, Transferwise).

The payment will be transferred back to the sender account in the upcoming banking days.

Strani: 1