Izbrani forum: Glavni forum

Izbrana tema: članek (V ŽIVO) Adria nima več niti za kerozin

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anon-48899 sporočil: 1.153
"Teden dni smo jim dali zato, ker doslej niso kršili pravil varnosti," pravi Marolt. Če bi imeli kakršnkoli dvom, da Adria ne bi letela varno, ne bi letela, je še povedal."

To je cisti humor od CAA Slovenija.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2795786

Strani: 1

bc123a sporočil: 48.253
"Teden dni smo jim dali zato, ker doslej niso kršili pravil varnosti," pravi Marolt. Če bi imeli kakršnkoli dvom, da Adria ne bi letela varno, ne bi letela, je še povedal."

To je cisti humor od CAA Slovenija.
Jaz vedno bolj verjamem da so dejansko za 4K "nasi", tisti ki so denar spakirali v tujino, ga vrnili v domace rabote preko slamnatih nemcev in tistega monaskega italijana, in da vlecejo politicne linije s pritiskom na drzavo in preko najvisjih nivojev.

To ne more biti res da si tako butast kot se tule dela CAA butasta. Pa cetrtino flote so imeli na tleh ker ni bilo rezervnih delov, CRJ jim je gnil od faking aprila na brniku, dokler ga ni lizingodajalec zaplenil, popravil in odpeljal.

Pa oni pravijo da je letenje s to pokveko od firme varno?!
anon-48899 sporočil: 1.153
Copy paste iz drugega foruma.
Vec kot smiselno zakaj zavlacevanje odvzema licence.

"Adria Airways is playing very dirty
They have chosen Monday 23SEP and that in the evening to declare that they will not fly and cancel all flights on 24 and 25SEP, something that aviation industry have not heard before
During the same day on 23SEP, until bank have been closed they have collected payments from local IATA BSP in all former YU countries, those where they make most of the sales; PRN, TIA, SKP, and others
Now the next period for payment on IATA BSP is due on 30SEP, Monday and if they play again dirty game canceling the flights without bankruptcy, the will collect another tranche of money collected from IATA sales period 15SEP-20SEP, people that will never fly JP flights or connecting flights LH, UA or god know and they will most probably declare bankruptcy after 2 OCT

So Slovenian state or CAA is giving time to Adria to collect more money from other countries, woth other word most of ex YU states and Albania helping them to make more damage to clients that wil never get any refund if they go bankruptcy after 2 OCT"

Strani: 1