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crt sporočil: 27.196
Zadnja sprememba: crt 02.10.2018 16:27
Verjetno Trumpovi ukrepi.
v bistvu je predvsem sanders vodil zelo glasno akcijo glede tega.

Sanders has attacked Amazon for the amount it pays its workers and introduced a bill in September called the Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies Act, or Stop Bezos Act, which would tax large companies whose low-wage employees rely on government assistance.

sta je pac sta. tudi drzavna minimalna placa ni od 2009 "padla na" 7,25 na uro, temvec je takrat bila zadnjic postavljena.

da se amazon zdaj poleg svojega dviga zavzema tudi za to, da naj velja se za vse druge, seveda ni stvar humanizma, temvec zelje, da se zmanjsa relaltivni impact tega dviga za amazon. je pa dobro za prejemnike, seveda.

se dodatek, ki ga na sta kajpada prav tako ni:

The wage rise extends beyond the US. Amazon announced in a press release that it was introducing a new minimum wage in the UK, to £10.50, or $13.60, for the London area and £9.50 for the rest of the UK. The Living Wage Foundation gives £10.20 as the London living wage and £8.75 for the rest of the country.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2736299

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anon-204390 sporočil: 13.528
> [vickibedi]
> Verjetno Trumpovi ukrepi.

v bistvu je predvsem sanders vodil zelo glasno akcijo glede tega.

Sanders has attacked Amazon for the amount it pays its workers and introduced a bill in September called the Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies Act, or Stop Bezos Act, which would tax large companies whose low-wage employees rely on government assistance.

sta je pac sta. tudi drzavna minimalna placa ni od 2009 "padla na" 7,25 na uro, temvec je takrat bila zadnjic postavljena.

da se amazon zdaj poleg svojega dviga zavzema tudi za to, da naj velja se za vse druge, seveda ni stvar humanizma, temvec zelje, da se zmanjsa relaltivni impact tega dviga za amazon. je pa dobro za prejemnike, seveda.

se dodatek, ki ga na sta kajpada prav tako ni:

The wage rise extends beyond the US. Amazon announced in a press release that it was introducing a new minimum wage in the UK, to £10.50, or $13.60, for the London area and £9.50 for the rest of the UK. The Living Wage Foundation gives £10.20 as the London living wage and £8.75 for the rest of the country.
Ok, moja napaka, v bistvu je logično. Še meni se je zdelo čudno, da bi bil Trump (čeprav bi tudi lahko bil in na ta način koketiral z volilci iz revnejšega poola).

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