Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

anon-180464 sporočil: 4.080
Najprej bo inflacija, saj se bodo vse stvari podražile.
Potem bo FED zaradi tega zaostril monetarno politiko in podražil denar.
To bo zavrlo tako realno gospodarstvo kot tudi borzne trge.
Borzni tečaji bodo padli, delavce bodo odpuščali ... finančni sektor se bo ponovno znašel v krizi ... lepa špirala ...

Tak manever se v letalstvu imenuje vrij ali kovit. Ponavadi gre za neželen in nevaren manever.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2724221

Strani: 1

PyotrNovak sporočil: 5.775
Potrebno je poznat dvorno hagiografijo. Pripravljen uvesti, NI isto kot uvesti. Z nepredvidljivostjo jih drzis offbalance.

Ce je od januarja njihovo borzo sklestil za 20%, koliko jih bo tole?
Tole je samo solanje "K NOGI", brez da psa tepes.
Borza VE, kdo je gospodar in kdo je doggie.

China has world's worst stock market and it could remain weak until ...

Jul 5, 2018 - China stock market, the worst in the world, peaked in January and could ... Published 4:14 PM ET Thu, 5 July 2018 Updated 5:03 PM ET Sat, 7 July ... 24, is down 23 percent and the Shenzen is down 22 percent in that time.

Kavbojc se splaca spoznat, ne slepo kritizirat. Kaos obvladajo do popolnosti. V cistem nasprotju z nemsko pedanterijo.

What is it like to battle the US military in armed conflict? - Quora

American generals have been famously telling their forces to do the exact ..... tell that it would complete and total chaos in the region that the US is fighting in, ...

Unorthodox and Chaotic: How America Should Fight Wars | The ...

Sep 27, 2013 - So basically the U.S. military is a bunch of freebooters, hard to fight because you never know what they might do. Woohoo! It's tough if not ...

Nothing Went According To Plan - TIME,8599,4 43808,00.html

Apr 15, 2003 - The war in Iraq happened faster than military planners could move. ... The reality is that no one expected that U.S. troops would have to fight for the ... war is chaos and the American Army practices chaos on a daily basis.

Strani: 1