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anon-412013 sporočil: 22
čas vnosa: 07.02.18 16:48
težko je napisat na kratko, a v osnovi povsem uniči/spremeni ekosistem
marsikje po razvitem svetu celo že odstranjujejo jezove, da bi vsaj delno povrnili naravne tokove rek in pozitivne funkcije, ki jih opravljajo. Ne boste verjeli, celo v ZDA, ki ne velja za najbolj "zeleno".

In the US the Bureau of Reclamation no longer builds dams, but spends more of its time removing them.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2696980

Strani: 1

Nantl sporočil: 1.160
težko je napisat na kratko, a v osnovi povsem uniči/spremeni ekosistem
Ker zdaj je pa povsem nedotaknjen in celo izoliran.
marsikje po razvitem svetu celo že odstranjujejo jezove, da bi vsaj delno povrnili naravne tokove rek in pozitivne funkcije, ki jih opravljajo. Ne boste verjeli, celo v ZDA, ki ne velja za najbolj "zeleno".

In the US the Bureau of Reclamation no longer builds dams, but spends more of its time removing them.
Kaj v razvitem svetu ni argument.
Guardian -- na nivoju Lady ali pa Jane.
Argumentiranje z guardianom je ... enako kot v sanjah se mi je prikazal vodni duh Mure in rekel ... če jo zajezimo bomo vsi dobili garje.

BS od BS a.

To so resne stvari, ki zahtevajo resno zanje. No, ni ga nikakor videti ne na eni ne na drugi strani.
pobalin sporočil: 14.456
težko je napisat na kratko, a v osnovi povsem uniči/spremeni ekosistem
marsikje po razvitem svetu celo že odstranjujejo jezove, da bi vsaj delno povrnili naravne tokove rek in pozitivne funkcije, ki jih opravljajo. Ne boste verjeli, celo v ZDA, ki ne velja za najbolj "zeleno".

In the US the Bureau of Reclamation no longer builds dams, but spends more of its time removing them.
Oh, how nice, beautiful, marvelous cherry picking at its best! Iz istega članka:
Indeed, dams do change the world and its natural environment. So do cities, roads, airports, chemical industries and agriculture. In general, we can say that people change their environment. The richer they are, the more change they induce. In the course of that, they often destroy species; they also create species, but that is not often measured or mentioned.
So the IRN’s latest database is simply that:- a collection of data (of variable quality) with no inherent information about whether what is happening is good or bad.
But that WE is not a small group of North American environmentalists and their friends. It is local and larger communities, taking decisions through their own institutions at different levels and not trying to impose their value sets on others.

Colin Thorne, a professor of geography at Nottingham University says the short answer is “yes” dams do destroy rivers as ecosystems.
However he also notes the positive impact dams have had in reducing the sum of human misery and encouraging development.
Many of the dams built in the last century were poorly designed and many are now in the process of being removed. He says the evidence so far is that nature bounces back surprisingly well after dam removal.
He says the pragmatic approach is to recognise that dams are going to be built because they drive development and generate money. This makes it imperative to understand the effect of dams on ecosystems and people and apply best practice to limit the damage done to the river.

“Generally, large scale hydropower incurs excessive losses - whereas small or micro hydropower, sensitively installed and operated can offer very significant biodiversity and economic gains, that could be vital at a local level.”
Kdor želi ob leščerbah prepevati, da so vsi venci vejli in hoditi peš, naj kar izvoli, nima pa nobene pravice celega naroda riniti nazaj proti srednjemu veku. Sploh pa ne, če to počnejo pozirajoč v svoji hobi-rekreacijski opravi: modernih športnih oblačilih in s kajaki - vse iz umetnih mas, t.j. iz fosilnih virov. Hipokrizija polnih riti na kubik!
pobalin sporočil: 14.456
Aja, sledeč eko Guardianu morajo vsaj ženske nehat jest šparglje. Ampak ojoj in oooh, to so ugotovili s poskusi na ubogih živalicah! Grooozno!
When scientists reduced asparagine in animals with breast cancer, they found that the number of secondary tumours in other tissues fell dramatically. The spread of malignant cells, often to the bones, lungs and brain, is the main cause of death among patients who are diagnosed with breast cancer.
anon-333107 sporočil: 8.271
težko je napisat na kratko, a v osnovi povsem uniči/spremeni ekosistem
marsikje po razvitem svetu celo že odstranjujejo jezove, da bi vsaj delno povrnili naravne tokove rek in pozitivne funkcije, ki jih opravljajo. Ne boste verjeli, celo v ZDA, ki ne velja za najbolj "zeleno".

In the US the Bureau of Reclamation no longer builds dams, but spends more of its time removing them.
Težko je napisati na kratko in težko je to razložiti Butalcem in tistim pametnim, ki se za to imajo; samo čez sušo je ni in strokovnjaki predvidevajo, da bodo v prihodnosti potekale vojne za vodne vire...

Le zakaj??

NE malo, OGROMNO ste RAZVAJENI in nekako se vam kar zdi samoumevno, da stvari SO. Ker so od nekdaj bile. Voda v neomejenih količinah, elektrika brez izpadov, .... ectect.

Strani: 1