Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

anon-202165 sporočil: 970
Ja ampak še vedno gre za isti energent, razlika je samo v tem kako je hranjen. Kar se tiče pa samega motorja, gre pa za enak motor kot v primeru CNG.

In vehicles using CNG technology (Compressed Natural Gas), the methane is stocked in gas form in steel tanks at a pressure of 200 bars. In LNG vehicles the natural liquified gas is stored in liquid form at -125ºC, in cryogenic tanks, and is fed to the engine as natural gas in gaseous form, after been heated in a heat exchanger.
In addition to the considerable advantages in terms of reduced emissions, which the CNG technology already guarantees, the LNG system also enables a reduction in terms of unladen weight and an increase in useful load. Furthermore, the use of natural gas-powered vehicles, whether CNG or LNG, represents a considerable economic asset for customers.

Sicer pa v Aziji sploh ne komplicirajo in imajo precj "šleparjev" na CNG... izgledajo pa nekak takole... www.faw-supremetruck...010111.jpg