Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

Gustl sporočil: 13.629
Seveda je fora v distribuciji, zato nad Amazon ne mores iti s ceno on the large scale.

Po kosckih pa seveda, ampak to ni nad Amazon, ampak nad trg, kjer je, kot pravis, prostora za vec igralcev.
Svez tekst o tem, kako bido posamezni igralci lahko zasedli del trga:

“Best Buy sells highly commoditized electronic products that are available elsewhere. With price and product function being similar, customer experience is a great differentiator. Best Buy is more of a service platform than a retail company.” bo pa seveda straightforward...

"As Amazon opens more physical stores, Best Buy may have another fight on the horizon."

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2665653

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bigl sporočil: 18.363
Hvala za link. Se torej dogaja:-). Lep dan.

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