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[Glavni forum] Tema: Zakaj Slovenija ni Švica
[#2604117] 28.06.16 07:55 · odgovor na: janov (#2604115)
Odgovori   +    2
Zadnja sprememba: crt 28.06.2016 07:58
> [FIN-311684]
> V Sloveniji imamo novi tip oblasti – avtoritarno in absolutno oblast javnega sektorja, ki ob pomoči tistih, ki ne delajo več, obvladuje življenje v družbi. Žal, naši politologi, sociologi in na splošno družboslovci tega še ne prepoznavajo ali ne želijo, ker so del tega novega javnosektorskega oblastnega razreda.

Milovan Đilas je to že leta 1957 napisal v svoji knjigi Novi razred
cez 100 let vse prav pride + tegaseparesnidalopredvideti (lahko pa tudi tojemoznosamovsloveniji :)

In 1918, [Max] Weber published Parlament und Regierung in neugeordneten Deutschland. At a certain point in this work, he raises the question of what would happen if the system of private capitalism was suppressed, and he replies that the end-result would be very different from that "phantasized" by certain social theorists.

There would be no "break up of the steel-like structure of modern industrial labor" but rather a massive reinforcement. A system based on a collectively organized economy would not liberate workers, but make them "less free".

This was because power would be held by a bureaucracy that had become omnipotent. Whereas under capitalism, state power and economic power were separate and thus there was a plurality of powers which permitted a certain freedom to workers, under socialism the two types of power would be united in the hands of the bureaucracy, which would be the most powerful ever known.

Private bureaucracy and public bureaucracy would become one single force that would become irresistible and oppressive as never before.

It would be impossible for the workers to struggle against a bureaucratic power of this type because any struggle for power against a state bureaucracy is hopless as because no authority exists that is in principle opposed to the bureaucracy and its power can be invoked.

In 1919, soon after the publication of Weber's essay, Kautsky published Terrorismus und Komunismus... He accuses Trotsky and the Bolsheviks of attempting to save their own political power even at the expense of the complete destruction of socialism and its ideals. What was the real content of Bolshevik policy? It was to put all power into the hands of a "new class", an all-powerful bureaucracy that dominated the entire society and nullified the freedom of workers.