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[Odklop] Tema: Špeckahlanje
[#2603259] 23.06.16 12:21 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2601723)
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Poslovno finančno časnikarski portal Finance LIVE je včeraj objavil zelo novinarsko obdelano PR objavo Tesla Motors.
Tesla Motors je za odkup podjetja Solar City, ki se ukvarja z nameščanjem solarnih celic, ponudila za 2,5 milijarde dolarjev delnic.
Samo nekaj ur kasneje so mnogi mediji to novico poslovno in finačno že malo secirali, ampak do zdaj princip trickle down do vsebine Financ še ni deloval. Zdaj so preveč zaposleni s prenašanjem WTF-novice, da je David Cameron glasoval na referendumu!? Zato sledi nekaj namigov zainteresiranim za dodatno branje.
Elon Musk's Tesla Motors Inc. just made an offer to buy Elon Musk's SolarCity Corp. for as much as $2.86 billion. The mind boggles.
So why is he doing it? There's basically two ways to look at it: Either Musk, 44, is bailing out a beleaguered company that's run by his cousin, Lyndon Rive, or he's consolidating a clean-energy empire at rock-bottom prices. Or both.
Tesla buying SolarCity is a dangerous risk that could totally pay off for Elon Musk
Transaction has no industrial logic and shows weak governance
Just a day after Tesla boss Elon Musk made the odd boast that one of its cars “floats well enough to turn into a boat,” he did something even odder. Tesla’s bid for solar panel installation firm SolarCity on Tuesday afternoon is the sort of move that, even for the most Panglossian Silicon Valley investor, stretches the bounds of industrial logic. It also stretches some ethical limits given the fact that Mr. Musk is the largest, albeit a minority, shareholder in each firm. He also has borrowed personally to buy SolarCity shares, which are down by 58% in the year to date.
Tesla’s Plan to Buy SolarCity Has Major Flaws
In other words, the deal makes sense because people who buy Tesla’s cars also want solar power. In a combined company, they can get it in the same place.
The market is not buying it.
To investors, it is as if the Walt Disney Company bought a birthing center business to offer “end-to-end” service for its parent customers. It’s not clear that Tesla owners will really want to buy solar panels, or that if they did, it would be in sufficient number.