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Izbrana tema: članek Donald rušilec

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[Glavni forum] Tema: Donald rušilec
[#2600270] 08.06.16 07:01 · odgovor na: bigl (#2600227)
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The New York businessman, known for his brash demeanor, shifted direction and delivered about 15 minutes' worth of relatively tepid prepared remarks from a teleprompter.Political journalists and pundits were quick to point out the dramatic change in style.

"Teleprompter Trump is booooooooring"

"How long will he stay tethered to a teleprompter? How long CAN he?"

"Would teleprompter Trump have made it this far?"


Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2600270

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bigl sporočil: 18.363
[Glavni forum] Tema: Donald rušilec
[#2600415] 08.06.16 15:07 · odgovor na: crt (#2600270)
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Zadnja sprememba: bigl 08.06.2016 15:09
The New York businessman, known for his brash demeanor, shifted direction and delivered about 15 minutes' worth of relatively tepid prepared remarks from a teleprompter.Political journalists and pundits were quick to point out the dramatic change in style.

"Teleprompter Trump is booooooooring"

"How long will he stay tethered to a teleprompter? How long CAN he?"

"Would teleprompter Trump have made it this far?"

Gre za pojav -fenomen, ki ga ljudje ne razumejo, a učinkovito deluje med ljudmi stoletja. Pojavnost, pojava, pred vsebino. Šov po domače. Omenil ga je tudi že Dante v svoji nadvse Božanski komediji, sicer v slabšalnem pomenu, a s spoznanjem, da to ljudi vleče bolj kot prave kreposti, ki ljudem ne pašejo najbolj:-). Še danes ne. Žal. Seveda je nivo demkoracije tam čez takšen, da potem ne bo več takole lupetal, saj bo moral služiti narodu in ne kontra. In on to ve. Lep dan.

Strani: 1