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Izbrana tema: članek Kaj imata skupnega ameriški in jugoslovanski čudež?

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[Avto] Tema: Kaj imata skupnega ameriški in jugoslovanski čudež?
[#2591150] 08.04.16 10:50 · odgovor na: pobalin (#2591145)
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> Kaj imata skupnega ameriški in jugoslovanski čudež?

Tragikomično je bilo prebirati lansko pisanje o Jugu s strani nekoga, ki ob prihodu Juga mogoče še ni bil niti mlečnozobec. Ampak to ni bila nobena ovira za mnoge kategorične in avtoritativne populistične trditve, ki so ukrivljeni odsev dobile še v komentarjih.

Tisti "in memoriam" Jugu je bil plehka mešanica ene strani ljudskega izročila in reciklaž zahodnjaških reminiscenc garniranih z nekaj clarksonizmi. V tako površnem prežvekovanju nekakšnih legend seveda ni prostora za kaj več, na primer omembo drage gradnje proge Beograd - Bar, in modernizacijo pristanišča, kar je javno sofinancirani (kot bi se danes reklo) projekt Jugo Amerika napihnilo v megaprojekt.

Zaradi takega načina pisanja za enkratno uporabo (paloma žurnalizem) tukaj ni omenjeno bogato (milijardno) javno sofinanciranje Tesle in Muskovih projektov. A ima toga...

> Tesla Motors Inc., SolarCity Corp. and Space Exploration Technologies Corp., known as SpaceX, together have benefited from an estimated $4.9 billion in government support, according to data compiled by The Times. The figure underscores a common theme running through his emerging empire: a public-private financing model underpinning long-shot start-ups.
> The figure compiled by The Times comprises a variety of government incentives, including grants, tax breaks, factory construction, discounted loans and environmental credits that Tesla can sell. It also includes tax credits and rebates to buyers of solar panels and electric cars.

Mnenja na to temo z zelo levega, zelo desnega in približno sredinskega političnega pola:

> If you're an entrepreneur like Elon Musk, "you will take the money where you can get it, but at the same time believe as a matter of faith that it's entrepreneurship and technology that are the sources of social change, not the state," says Fred Turner, a Stanford professor who wrote the book From Counterculture to Cyberculture. "It is not quite self-delusion, but there is a habit of thinking of oneself as a free-standing, independent agent, and of not acknowledging the subsidies that one received. And this goes on all the time in the Valley."

> Most of the taxpayers who are subsidizing Tesla cars cannot afford to buy one.
> Tesla’s Model S generates four credits per unit sold. This means the company can sell $20,000 in ZEV credits to other manufacturers for each Model S sold — a cost borne by purchasers of other cars.
> Every time a Tesla is sold, we witness a transfer of wealth to a rich hobbyist (most Teslas are their owners’ third or fourth car), while average Americans are on the hook for at least $30,000 in federal and state subsidies.
> www.nationalreview.c...hil-kerpen

> If there's one major criticism of Musk, it's that he presents himself as a hero of capitalism while investing in and running companies — Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity — that wouldn't exist without government funding and support.
> "Elon Musk is addicted to government money!"
> www.businessinsider....ney-2015-6

Za konec: meni se zdijo bolj pomembne razlike kot podobnosti med Teslo in Jugom in tale stavek najbrž pove čisto dovolj o tem, česa Zastava ob vsej državni podpori ni imela:

> Musk could well make it happen because unlike those other green car companies, he has things you can’t get from the government: huge skin in the game, passion and talent.
ja poleg tega da ni imela kvalitete. Jugo je bil polizdelek in v ZDA so to kaj hitro ugotovili. Nam, ki smo v tistem času bili primorani kupovati četrt izdelke (treba je vedeti da so bile ameriške serije bistveno bolj opremljene in najbrž tudi bolj kvalitetno izdelane kot za domači trg) pa je počasi začelo prihajati do spoznanja, da je "kapitalizam truo ali divno miriše" ;)