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anon-187668 sporočil: 5.835
[Glavni forum] Tema: Človečnost in humanost sta pred zakonom
[#2547885] 14.09.15 08:54 · odgovor na: anon-10316 (#2547880)
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O slepi jasnovidni Bolgarki Vangeliji Gušterovi, bolj znani pod imenom Baba Vanga, smo poročali že pred dobrim letom. Kot vse kaže, se njene napovedi, če gre verjeti različnim teorijam zarote, ki so se pojavile ob begunskem valu, več kot uresničujejo.
Še nekaj njenih napovedi, ki so jih napisali na, (By Greg Newkirk on 03/07/2010):

"Vanga (21 January 1911 – 11 August 1996), born Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova ... Her followers were convinced that she possessed paranormal abilities.

2010: World War III. War will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. Will begin as usual, then nuclear will be used initially, and then chemical weapons.

2011: As a result of nuclear fallout in the northern hemisphere there will be no animals or vegetation. Then Muslims will wage war against chemical surviving Europeans.

2014: Most people will suffer skin cancer and other skin diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare).
4308: Due to mutation people at last beginning to use their brains more than 34%. Completely lost the notion of evil and hatred.

4509: Getting to Know God. The man has finally been reached such a level of development that can communicate with God.

4599: People achieve immortality.

5079: End of the World."