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sto milijonov vrstic programske kode - sedemkrat več kot največji boeing 787
A ima B787 10, ki je do zdaj največji B787, res bistveno več programske kode kot malo krajši verziji 8 in 9? Lahko kdo to razloži?

Pa še nekaj o teh primerjavah, ki se z razmahom šolanih in marketinško pitanih internetnih papagajev in holokavstom resnega novinarstva plodijo kot zajci.

Udarno naslovljen članek "Chevy Volt: King of (Software) Cars", ki je bil objavljen leta 2010 na wired.com/autopia (!), zdaj pa je izginil brez sledu, je skotil veliko reciklaž in zadeva se je bogato rolala po forumih, kjer je dobila tudi tale komentar:
Bob G
Don't get me wrong, I think that the Volt is the coolest car in the world, but I find it very hard to believe that its complexity is even in the same order of magnitude as the 787. I tried to follow the link to the source of the 10/8 MLOC comparisons, but it was a dead end.
I can only speculate that they considered only a few systems on the 787 and did not consider code that has instances running in multiple processors. There are hundreds (maybe more than a thousand) of microcontrollers and microprocessors on board the 787. I know, because I helped to design some of them. The "more electric" architecture means that there are motor controllers not just for the main engine starter/generators, but for electric-powered hydraulics, air conditioning, fuel pumps, cabin pressurization, and other systems. There is a multi-redundant central computer with data busses linking everything from avionics to remote electric power distribution and data concentration. And then there are the computers and networks for aircraft maintenance and for cabin entertainment.
The point is that they are both amazing products, but I'd like to see a more factual comparison between them.