Izbrani forum: Borza

Izbrana tema: Nateg SAXO - ALTA

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anon-867 sporočil: 5
[Borza] Tema: Nateg SAXO - ALTA
[#2491986] 16.01.15 15:58 · odgovor na: Endimion (#2491981)
Odgovori   +    0
Tukajle maš. Dejansko so nekateri njihovi produkti taki, da naročila ne letijo na borzo direktno, ampak se jih najprej pokvita na njihovem internem trgu.


IN sumim da so FX posli del tega
Pravzaprav ne razumem čisto vseh teh fines. Kolikor vidim, tudi nikjer ne piše, da za interni trg ne velja "Best Execution". Piše le:

For OTC products (CFDs, (rolling) FX Spot, FX Forwards and FX Options), Saxo Bank will trade (as principal) against its own proprietary desk and may in turn route its own orders to other market maker firms. For OTC traded CFDs on single stocks and commodities execution is benchmarked to the pricing and liquidity on the primary regulated market or ex-change of the relevant stock or commodity.