Prikaz samo enega sporočila - znotraj teme...

anon-274438 sporočil: 2.890
Hmm... sam tole mal drugače štekam.

Če je škoda pod .6% BND, država dobi 2.5% vrednosti škode. Če je nad .6%, pa 6% škode. A se motim?

Če bi eventuelno škoda bila 210 miljonov, bi to še vedno pomenilo "samo" 12 miljonov pomoči... a ne?

A progressive system in two brackets is applied whereby a country affected by a disaster receives a lower rate of aid of 2.5% for the part of total direct damage below the “major disaster” threshold and a higher share of aid of 6% for the part of the damage exceeding the threshold. The two amounts are added up.
The threshold is the level of damage defined by the Regulation to trigger the intervention of the Fund, i.e. 0.6% of GNI or EUR 3 billion in 2002 prices. This element ensures that the relative capacity of a State to deal itself with a disaster is taken into account. It also ensures that for the same amount of damage relatively poorer countries receive more aid in absolute terms than richer ones. For extraordinary regional disasters the same method is being applied, meaning consequently that countries affected by those disasters, which by definition remain below the threshold, receive 2.5 % of total direct damage in aid.

Neposredni odgovori na sporočilo št. 2326314

Strani: 1

anon-274438 sporočil: 2.890
Zadnja sprememba: anon-274438 06.02.2014 09:26
Odgovarjam kar samemu sebi... mislim, da imam prav, in da vlada sanja ene mokre sanje s tem, ko "upa, da bo škoda čim višja" (bolano!!??).

Primer Avstrije:
In August 2005, heavy flooding occurred in parts of two Austrian Länder Vorarlberg and Tyrol. The flooding caused severe damage to the agricultural sector, to tourism, residential properties and businesses, to the transport network and other infrastructure. The total direct damage was estimated at EUR 591.94 million which represents approximately 0.27 % of Austria's GNI. Since the figure is lower than the applicable threshold for mobilising the Solidarity Fund for major disasters (0.6 % of Austria's GNI, i.e. EUR 1.3363 billion), the application was therefore examined under exceptional criteria for so-called extraordinary regional disasters. The Commission came to the conclusion that the application provided sufficient evidence to allow exceptionally mobilising the Solidarity Fund and to grant financial aid amounting to EUR 14.79 million.
Torej, škoda 591M *2.5%=14.7, kar je točno cifra iz primera...

Strani: 1